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Nederland > Denemarken Statistische informatie
Adverteren op deze webpagina Plaats uw tekstadvertentie op deze pagina voor slechts € 25,00 per jaar NL: MCI Informatie op Maat
Europe's demographic future: Facts and figures on challenges and opportunities 2007 (Pdf: engelstalig) EU: Europese Commissie
Eurostat Portal (duits-, engels- en franstalig) EU: Eurostat
Statistical portrait of the European Union 2007 - 50 years of the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (Pdf: engelstalig) EU: Eurostat
The total employment rate in the countries of the EU in the period 1994 - 2005 EU: Eurostat
The tax structure The development of the tax structure in Denmark from 1983 to 2007 - reduced emphasis on income tax and implications of the Local Government Reform (engelstalig) DK: Skatteministeriet-Denmark
Marginal tax for all taxpayers The average marginal tax rate, or income tax on the last earned Danish krone, for high earners is around 60%, while for the majority of wage earners it is under 50%. The tables below show how the marginal tax rate affects all taxpayers (engelstalig) DK: Skatteministeriet-Denmark